Category : sales management

sales management

Natallia shares her insights about sales leadership best practices with Federico Presicci, sales coach and blogger

Sales leaders have one of the toughest jobs in business.
They must strike a delicate balance between driving immediate results and fostering long-term growth.
All in an environment where market conditions shift overnight and competitive pressures never relent.
This is one of the reasons why I’ve recently deep-dived into sales leadership best practices.
To uncover the most effective strategies, I turned to 15 CROs and VPs of Sales who have led teams at global giants like IBM, Google, HP, Twilio, Viber, and Box.
What emerged from these interactions is my latest piece:
📚 “Sales Leadership Best Practices – Lessons From Top Leaders” 📚
The best practices are organised around these key themes:
1️⃣ Sales leadership mindset and philosophy
2️⃣ Communication and transparency
3️⃣ Coaching and development
4️⃣ Leading by example
5️⃣ Motivation, empowerment, and accountability
6️⃣ Hiring and building strong teams
7️⃣ Process optimisation and data-driven leadership

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Content Marketing sales management

TOP 5 tech tools for FX Sales professionals

top 5 sales apps

New technology is transforming how we do business in the 21st century, from the way we communicate, to the route we choose when we drive home from work and even the way we check our fridge for the food that we need. In the same way, the tech revolution has significantly changed things for sales professionals and the sales process. It seems that, every day, new platforms emerge that continue to transform the ways in which we communicate with prospects and that, undoubtedly, impact the way we structure our days.

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sales management

How to convert more prospects into clients?


Throughout my career I have encountered many different sales personalities. Each of them had their own network, their own approach to dealing with prospects, their own strategic vision and their own way of handling the sales process. However, just ask any sales manager and most will agree that the majority of sales people could be categorized as “openers”, rather than “closers”.

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sales management

Who NOT to Hire When Looking for Your Next FX Sales Superstar?

FX Sales NOT to hire

I am sure that most FX sales managers have several “sob’ stories in their back pockets that never make it into their official, glamorous track records. Stories about hiring the wrong salesperson, someone who not only didn’t generate any accounts, but who harmed the business along the way, either by misrepresenting the company and its product, or by putting some of the key company relationships at risk.

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