Category : Hedge Funds

FX Liquidity Hedge Funds Prime of Prime

Evolution of prime of prime

Evolution pf Prime of Prime

As we are turning the corner of 10 years post 2008 financial crisis, I would like to reflect on my past 10 years in FX and how it has changed.
FX Prime Brokerage and FX Prime of Prime scenes have undergone dramatic changes.

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Hedge Funds

Time for Hedge Funds to Look into Forex Again

Hedge Funds vs S&P 500

Hedge funds 2008 till now

Hedge fund performance over the past decade has not been that impressive in general, however, currency hedge funds have taken a particularly strong beating.The FX market has proved disappointing to lots of investors in the years since the 2008 financial crisis, when the world’s biggest central banks launched stimulus programs to help breathe life into struggling economies.

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