Category : FX Liquidity

Forex Leverage FX Liquidity Prime of Prime

Retail Brokerages Removed from Original Sources of FX Liquidity

Natallia Hunik sits down with Andrew Saks McLeod of Finance Feeds in London to discuss how FX liquidity access has changed for the retail FX aggregators.

Topics discussed included:
1. Why retail FX aggregators lost access to Tier 1 Prime Brokers?
2. How retail FX brokers source liquidity nowadays?
3. How much flow on average do retail FX brokers STP to the market?
4. What is the outlook for the future?

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FX Liquidity Hedge Funds Prime of Prime

Evolution of prime of prime

Evolution pf Prime of Prime

As we are turning the corner of 10 years post 2008 financial crisis, I would like to reflect on my past 10 years in FX and how it has changed.
FX Prime Brokerage and FX Prime of Prime scenes have undergone dramatic changes.

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Forex Broker Forex Licensing FX Liquidity Mifid II Uncategorized

Prime of Prime Brokerage – How to Structure Your Brokerage?

Trade execution in OTC derivatives is a burning issue among regulators and clients, as is how to source genuine liquidity. In an interview with Andrew Saks-McLeod, founder and CEO of Finance Feeds, we go into detail on how to make sure this is done to your advantage, and done properly.

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FX Liquidity Mifid II

MifidII and Liquidity Management Guidelines

FX liquidity management - Mifid2

Best execution policy under MiFID adopts a multi-faceted approach that addresses, amongst other things, quality of execution, trading conditions extended to clients and the counterparty selection process. It also provides directions and guidelines on how best execution can be achieved.

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FX Liquidity Prime of Prime STP

What Brokers Want from a Prime of Prime?

FX Prime of Prime needs


Prime of Prime in FX, has undergone a lot of changes in the past few years, yet it remains one of the most highly demanded services in today’s marketplace. Prime of Prime’s role is to extend interbank market access to clients who do not have access to credit. To put it another way, it helps create direct market access for those clients who do not meet the stringent collateral and credit criteria that’s needed in order for them to establish their own, direct, prime broker relationship with a bank. The main value that a real Prime of Prime delivers is non-latent access to institutional trading, in a secure and regulated environment.

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FX Liquidity STP

How STP works in FX?

STP transaction processing

The quality of your STP trade execution is dependent on a number of important factors including speed/latency, accuracy, rejection ratios and cost. I would like to take this opportunity to review some of these in greater detail.

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FX Liquidity FX Margin aggregation Prime of Prime

FX Liquidity Aggregation on Margin: DO or NOT?

FX Liquidity Aggregation

Margin aggregation has become a popular topic amongst retail FX brokers recently with many having lost their Prime Broker relationships and with the squeeze on credit conditions.

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FX Liquidity Prime of Prime

Year after SNB – FX industry transformation



In my opinion, last year’s SNB decision to remove the 1.20 floor on EURCHF acted as a catalyst, reshaping how we now view and approach the FX industry. As we observed throughout 2015, the SNB move radically altered FX technology and liquidity paradigms and the aftershocks of this “seismic” shift are still being felt today.

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FX Margin aggregation FX White Label Risk Management

4 Predictions for FX Year 2016

5 Predictions for FX Year 2016

2015 has now wrapped up, and it is time to reflect on the year passed.
The year of 2015 will be remembered by the FX industry for so many different reasons. In the aftermath of the SNB rate decision, many brokerages had no option but to re-evaluate their business models, their risk management practices and, to tighten their belts.

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FX Liquidity

10 things you may be missing when selecting your liquidity partner

FX Liquidity

I, along with my institutional FX team at Advanced Markets and Fortex, am dealing with FX brokers who may be in search of liquidity, technology solutions of all kinds, infrastructure enhancements or sometimes just a price feed that is stable and reliable on a daily basis. We have seen it all from novice brokers that need everything explained from A to Z, medium-sized price-conscious brokers that are trying to bypass pre-qualifications and over-state their volume figures to get better deals to larger brokers asking us to fill out  lengthy RFPs (Request for Proposal)  while the work on selecting a new liquidity partner.

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